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Supporting Families at Redbridge Primary School

Click on the image below to access this information:

Resources for families 

Below is a link to information compiled by the Children's Commissioner and has information regarding lots of school related topics to help parents and carers including; Information on attendance, applying for Free School Meals, an activity pack for children moving from primary to secondary school, support for parents looking after a child with mental health concerns, BBC bitesize, Young minds etc.

Childrens Commissioner - Resources for families

In school support for families

School Inclusion Team

At Redbridge Primary School, we have an Inclusion Team dedicated to offering our children and parents support throughout their time with us.  We firmly believe that children are entitled to support with their emotional and social development, in the same way that children who have difficulties with some aspects of academic subjects receive support in class.  We are fortunate to have Ms Robertson as our Assistant Headteacher and Inclusion Lead.  She is a highly experienced member of staff who offers support and guidance for children with Special Educational Needs as well as those requiring additional help on an emotional, social and behavioural basis.  Identified children are offered extra support from our ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Officer), Vicki Davies, where they spend time focusing on thoughts, feelings and strategies for success.  Much of her work deals with the children’s relationships with each other both in and outside of the classroom, developing strategies in managing their behaviour and feelings.  Vicki Davies also leads our various Nurture Groups that run in the afternoons; giving children well-planned provision to help them succeed even further in all areas of school life and beyond.  The Inclusion Team offer vital support and are always willing to help our families through offering advice, arranging child-centred meetings and setting up help from external agencies.  Should you need any help, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the team. "No stone is left unturned when trying to provide support for pupils and their families." Local Authority - Annual Visit Report 2023