Southampton City Council Healthy High 5 Award has five achievable elements (stars) designed to have a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of all school pupils. For a school to achieve the full award all five stars criteria will need to be met. There are three levels of the award:
Bronze (working towards)
The school is working towards the HH5. This means they have started to make changes and improvement, but these are either not yet in all five stars or are not consistent.
Silver (achieving)
The school is making and maintaining improvements in all five stars and consistency of participation is high.
Gold (we're gold)
Awards are given at the end of each term after participation logs have been submitted to the HH5 team. The award links in with local and national education and health policies and guidance. We have worked hard to achieve and maintain the Gold Award.
The Healthy High 5 Award, which is part a quality programme delivered by Southampton City Council and Solent NHS Trust, is made up of five achievable elements (stars), which includes:
- Physical activity – Schools are required to take part in 10 minutes of physical activity on top of PE lessons such as the daily mile.
- Access to water – Children are required to have access to water at all times and the school must be able to encourage and supply it.
- Healthy Lunch, Breakfast and after school clubs – Schools are required to ensure that every meal nutritionally counts for pupils.
- Mindfulness Minute – Schools should encourage pupils to use senses like, touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing to relax, and increase focus and concentration.
- Nurturing Nature – Growing plants and foods in schools is an important learning opportunity. To achieve this star, schools must help pupils grow and follow the journey of plants and food.