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Redbridge Primary School

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I drop off and collect my child?

Gates open at 8.20am which gives you 10 minutes to arrive and make your way around to the classrooms.  Gates are locked and registers taken promptly at 8:30am.

Up to and including Year 4, children are expected to be collected after school by an adult from their contact list. However if your child is in Year 5 or 6 they may walk home on their own providing we have written permission from the parent or carer.  Forms to authorise children walking home are available from the school office and issued at the beginning of years 5 & 6.

Children should arrive and depart the school as follows:

RECEPTION CHILDREN - Enter and depart via the glass corridor door.  Parents can wait in the space outside the Year 1/2 outside area.

Year 1 - Enter via the Red Class fire door in the outside area of Year 1/2.  Children are dismissed at the from the door back of the school in the main playground.

Year 2 - Enter and depart via the Blue Class fire door in the outside area of Year 1/2.

Year 3 - Enter and depart via the Yellow Class fire door on the side of the building.

Year 4 - Enter and depart via the Green Class fire door on the side of the building.

Year 5 - Enter and depart via the Orange Class fire door on the side of the building.

Year 6 - Enter and depart via the Turquoise Class fire door on the side of the building.

What do I do if my child is absent from school?

Please contact the school office on 023 8077 6379 or email info@redbridgeprimary.org.uk before 9am. 

What happens if someone else is collecting my child?

If any adult other than those on your contact list is going to be collecting your child, please make arrangements and let the class teacher know or send in a letter with your child in advance.

If there are any unexpected circumstances that lead to you not being able to tell the class teacher in advance the school office cannot guarantee that they can communicate last minute messages during the school day, although every effort will be made to do so. 

What do I do if my child needs medicine during the school day?

Redbridge Primary School Staff do not have a statutory duty to give medicines or medical treatment.  However medicines will be administered if appropriate as we wish to enable the inclusion of pupils with medical needs, promote regular attendance and minimise the impact on a pupil’s ability to learn. 

If your child requires regular, daily medicine, or has a medical condition, please contact the school to arrange a Health Care Plan.

Occasionally a GP may prescribe that a medicine has to be taken during the school day.  Parents may either, call into school and administer the medicine to their child, or they may request that a member of staff administers the medicine.  If school staff are to administer the medicine, the parent must supply the medicine in the original pharmacist's container to the school office and must complete a 'Request for school to administer medicine form.  

 How can I get more involved with School Life?

We hold many parent events throughout the year including Class events, special assemblies, school fayres etc.  If you have some spare time, you could volunteer to help with our edible garden project or help with our Parent Partnership Group.

How does the school manage behaviour?

At Redbridge Primary we positively reward appropriate behaviours.  Through our Golden Rules, Star values and the Power of Praise children develop self control and gain self confidence.  We set clear guidelines as to what is expected of them and children are praised when they meet these expectations.  We use DOJO points reward children.  In responding to inappropriate behaviours, our focus will be on helping children to modify their behaviour, learn from their mistakes and be supported in understanding the impact of their behaviour on others, through choices and consequences. 

Please refer to both our Behaviour Support Policy for more details.

How can I support my child's learning?

A positive attitude to learning is essential if every child is to succeed and we believe that every member of the Redbridge Primary community needs to promote the positive outcomes of learning.  One key to promoting a positive attitude to learning is by learning being valued not only at school but at home too.

At the Redbridge Primary we ask you to read regularly with your child/ren, by spending 10-15 minutes every day reading with your child will make a huge difference to their learning.  By incorporating reading a story together as part of a bedtime time routine helps make an enjoyable experience for both you and your child and allows some quality spent together in increasingly busy lives.  We send home reading challenge booklets to complete so we can track this. 

We also ask Parents and children to spend time practising key skills such as spelling and number skills – again little an often is best.  Weekly spellings and Math Star booklets are sent home to practise.

You can also help your child’s learning at home by providing a suitably quite space and time, without distractions, where your child can work and take an interest and support your child with any homework tasks they have.

Please do not hesitate in speaking with your child’s class teacher for further advice for your child.