How to apply for a school place at Redbridge Primary School
Reception Admissions 2024
On-line applications are accepted from 4th September 2023.
All applications need to be submitted by 15th January 2024.
If you pay your council tax to Southampton City Council then you must apply for schools, wherever they are, through Southampton City Council's Admissions team.
Please note, you will need to register with the Citizen Portal on Southampton City Council's website (this is a separate login to any other account you may have with SCC) on this link- Your Citizen Portal account.
The parents' guide to the Citizen Portal will take you through the application process.
You can also contact the Admission Team by
telephone: 023 808 33004
post: Admissions Team, Southampton City Council, Civic Centre, Southampton, SO14 7LY
You cannot visit the Admissions team in person.
If you still need help with your application after reading our advice, please call 023 8083 3004 to speak to the Admissions team. Lines will be busy.
Admissions Appeals
Any parent or guardian who has been refused a school place for their child has the right to appeal the decision.
If you are not allocated a place at a preferred school, you have the right to an independent appeal. You can appeal for more than one school.
If you are not offered a place at your first preference school, Southampton City Council will send you appeal guidance with your allocation letter.
Appeals must be lodged by the dates shown on the local authority appeal timetable. This is published before offers are made. Other schools will have their own arrangements.
Applying for and in-year transfer between schools
If you wish to transfer your child to another school within Southampton you will need to complete this process through the Citizen Portal on Southampton City Council's website (this is a separate login to any other account you may have with SCC) on this link- Your Citizen Portal account. Your child's current school will require you to complete a Leavers form.
How to apply for a secondary school place (Year 7)
On-line applications for September 2024 entry are open from 4 September 2023.
Deadline for September 2024 entry:
Year 7 (secondary school) closing date: 31 October 2023 at 23:59
If you pay your council tax to Southampton City Council then you must apply for schools, wherever they are, through Southampton City Council's Admissions team.
Please note, you will need to register with the Citizen Portal on Southampton City Council's website (this is a separate login to any other account you may have with SCC) on this link- Your Citizen Portal account.
The parents' guide to the Citizen Portal will take you through the application process.
You can also contact the Admission Team by
telephone: 023 8083 3004
post: Admissions Team, Southampton City Council, Civic Centre, Southampton, SO14 7LY
You cannot visit the Admissions team in person.
If you still need help with your application after reading our advice, please call 023 8083 3004 to speak to the Admissions team. Lines will be busy.
Redbridge Primary School ADMISSIONS POLICIES
Click on this link Redbridge Primary Admissions Policy 2024/25
The full Admissions Policy for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools can be found on Southampton City Council's website at:
Click on this link for a copy of the SCC Infant Admissions Policy 2024/25
Finding your Catchment Area School
If you live within the Southampton City boundary, you can find your catchment area, or the nearest schools to your home, by entering your postcode on SCC website which can be found at: