Breakfast Club
Opening times - 7:45am - 8:30am
Cost: £3.00 per day or £2.00 for those eligible for FSM
Breakfast club runs everyday. Our staff are always ready to welcome the children in the mornings with a warm friendly smile and a yummy breakfast.
Please see the ladies in the Office if you want to book a place or need further information.
Why come to breakfast club?
- A good varied breakfast
- Settled start to the day
- Confidence building
- Develops social skills
- Fun, chat, games
- Arts and crafts
How do I sign my child up?
Shelley in the office will be happy to talk to you about Breakfast Club. If you would like to register for a place/s just pop in and see her.
Breakfast Club Menu
- A range of cereals
- Toast with a variety of toppings
- Crumpets
- Pitta bread
- Beans on toast
- A selection of fresh fruit
- Water or juice
What the children think:
“I think they’ve got really good breakfasts and really good games to play. It makes you have a smile on your face.”
“I like it because we get to play games after breakfast”