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Redbridge Primary School

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Academic Curriculum

Redbridge Primary School is in an area of high deprivation in an urban area just outside Southampton. Due to this context many of our children start school with speech and language deficits as well as personal, social and emotional weaknesses.  On average just 0-3% of children start school within age-related expectations across the curriculum.

The aim of our curriculum is to overcome barriers caused by deprivation so our children are ready for the next phase of their education and can access secondary education with the same equity as their peers nationally. As such, we will have a focus on ensuring children become competent in the key skills in reading, writing, maths and are ambitious in our expectations of them. Further to this, we want our children to be competent in all areas of the curriculum so they may engage in life experiences with confidence based upon a firm foundation of embedded knowledge and skills. We keep in touch with up to date research and CPD to ensure that our children are getting the very best provision. 

Our curriculum is underpinned by our Star Values and you will see these reflected within each subject area’s intent and implementation:

  • Ambition
  • Integrity
  • Well-being

Each subject area of the curriculum has its own aims in relation to the whole school picture that sets an ambitious trajectory for all learners, including those with SEN.  Personal development is rooted within every subject, offering a holistic approach to the education of each child.

On each class page you will find the latest home-school learning booklet which includes the home-learning project and key dates for your diary as well as an overview for the year. 

Below are other documents you may find useful:

The National Curriulum - KS1 & KS2

Mathematics  - We follow the White Rose and NCETM Planning

Living Difference - RE